

Important Announcement: Exciting Updates for SportSync Users! Introducing New and Improved Login and Registration Methods

1. Singapore (“SportSG”) will be phasing out the existing ActiveSG web and mobile booking application (“ActiveSG app”) to a refreshed web-based platform, the MyActiveSG+, starting from June. This move will take place progressively.  The ActiveSG app will be discontinued on 1 October 2024.

2. In light of the above transition, logging in SportSync using ActiveSG login details will be disabled starting 30 May 2024.

Log in to SportSync

3. Existing users with Singpass can log in directly to SportSync via Singpass by clicking on the “Users With Singpass” button.

4. Existing users with no Singpass, should receive an email to the registered email address from SportSync Support (do_not_reply@sportsyncsupport.sg) by mid June 2024. Please click the link in the email to verify and log in.

5. There is no change in the SportSync login method for Business/Organisation users (e.g. NSA Officers).

Registration for a SportSync Account

6. For New Users with Singpass, register to access SportSync account using Singpass account.

7. For New Users with no Singpass, register for SportSync by clicking on the “New SportSync User” > “Non-Singpass User” link.

Enquiries and support

8. For any enquiries, please click the "Contact" link.

Thank you for your attention. We are committed to provide a seamless and enhanced user experience for all SportSync users during this transition and system upgrade.

What is SportSync?

SportSync is a new online portal for sport management and information sharing. It is a key enabler to develop capabilities and capacity for the Sport Eco-system that serve the entire sporting pathway; providing a comprehensive range of features adaptable for different user groups such as Coaches, Athletes, Sports Participants and National Sports Associations.

SportSync will enable visible, accessible & reliable data for informed and objective data driven decision making; and be a game-changer for performance analysis, operational efficiency and management and enhancing sport community engagement.

What are some of the functions of SportSync?
  • Athlete profile management.
  • Coach profile management.
  • Organisation profile management.
  • Cashless payment mode for renewal fees.
  • Application and membership tracking.
What login should the NSA (Organisation) users use?

The NSA users should use the “For Business users” login option and login using the Singpass credentials.

I am still unable to sign in SportSync even after I have tried all the possible ways.

Send your query or issue here: https://www.sportsync.sg/App/Login/Contact. Select 'Technical Issues' from the drop-down menu. In your query, provide:

  • The specific sign in issue that you have encountered.

  • Upload any relevant screenshots or screen recordings, where required.

What version of browser should I use?

SportSync works best with following browsers such as Chrome (65.0.3325.181), Firefox (59.0), and Safari(11.0.3).

Do I have to pay to sign up for a SportSync account?

The SportSync account is free. However, the terms and conditions for NROC memberships remains the same hence please visit our website for more information.

Can I sign up as an individual participant in SportSync even though I already have a Organisation User account with an organisation e.g. NSA?

Yes, you can. You can still register for an individual participant account even if you already have an existing Organisation User account.

I am a foreigner residing overseas and I am invited to participate in a Major Games. I do not have a Singpass account and I only have a non-Singapore mobile number. How can I create a SportSync account?

Currently, only a Singapore mobile number is accepted for account creation in SportSync. If you do not have a local mobile number, please seek assistance from your partner in Singapore (e.g. your National Sports Associations – NSAs) for further support.

[General] What is NROC?

Sport Singapore created the NROC in 2004 to raise the standard and professionalism of sports coaching in Singapore. It serves to ensure minimum technical qualification of sport coaches, that practicing coaches continue to improve and that coaches provide a safe environment for their athletes.

A provisional membership category was introduced in January 2017 to allow coaches to participate in academic, educational and professional development activities to improve their coaching practice as they work towards completing all requirements of full NROC membership.
(New applications for Provisional Coach Membership will be ceased from 1 July 2024)

Through NROC, Sport Singapore aims to give recognition to coaches who have been certified and deemed competent by a national body. Doing so also allows the public to have easy access to qualified coaches.

[General] What is the difference between provisional and full membership?

The following table illustrates the differences:

Provisional Member

Full Member

Enrolment Criteria

  • Valid SFA including CPR+AED Certificate

·       Values & Principles in Sports (VPS) Certificate

  • Other supporting documents of playing experience or coaching certification and experience in the sport of choice

1.     Valid SFA certificate including CPR+AED Certificate

2.     Basic Sports Science (BSS) course^ or Foundational Sport Science (FSS) (optional for NCAP Theory holders)

3.     SG-Coach Theory Level 1 / NCAP Theory Level 1

4.     SG-Coach Technical Level 1 course* OR SG-Coach Integrated Level 1 course* / NCAP Technical Level 1

Note: Please check HERE for information on courses offered by NSAs

[General] Does SportSync replace NROC?

SportSync does not replace NROC – it is a portal that facilitates membership application process for NROC, among other benefits.

[General] Can I submit my application in person?

All applications must be submitted online. If you experience technical issues with the online portal, please print screen and submit the error message to noc@planet1world.com.

If you need any assistance other than technical issues, please get in touch via the contact page (select NROC policy) with your full name, date of birth, details of your request and contact email / number. One of our officers will get in touch with you.

[Account] What about my old NROC online account details – can I use them to login to SportSync?

No, the old NROC account login details cannot be used for SportSync. To login to SportSync, you are required to have a Singpass account.

[First Aid/ Employment Pass] How do I update my Standard First Aid / Employment Pass for my NROC profile?

Updating of certifications and employment pass can now be done online via SportSync. Please login, then navigate to "My Profile". For updating of Certifications, please click on "My Certifications", and for employment pass, please click on "Personal Particulars" and update your current residential status in Singapore. You would be able to upload supporting documents under these sections. You may refer to our guide (Standard First Aid or Employment Pass) for step-by-step instructions.

[New Application] What are the requirements for NROC membership? / How can I go about applying for the membership?

Enrolment criteria for NROC is outlined under Table 1. With the required certifications, registration for NROC membership can be done on an individual basis through SportSync using SingPass. Once logged in, please navigate to “NROC Membership” where to submit an online application. Please refer to our Application for NROC Membership (sportsingapore.gov.sg) for more details on the application process.

Table 1: Enrolment criteria for NROC

Provisional Member

Full Member

·       Values & Principles in Sports (VPS) Certificate

·       Other supporting documents of playing experience or coaching certification and experience in the sport of choice

·       Valid SFA certificate including CPR+AED Certificate

·       Basic Sports Science (BSS) course^ or Foundational Sport Science (FSS) (optional for NCAP Theory holders)

·       SG-Coach Theory Level 1 / NCAP Theory Level 1

·       SG-Coach Technical Level 1 course* OR SG-Coach Integrated Level 1 course* / NCAP Technical Level 1

Note: Please check HERE for information on courses offered by NSAs

[New Application] I keep getting the error that my NROC application does not meet any of your requirements. How do I resolve this?

Please ensure that you have minimally uploaded the following documents under your Coaching Certifications for the Membership level that you are applying for.

Please refer to Application for NROC Membership (sportsingapore.gov.sg)

[New/Renewal Application] SportSync says I am eligible for a certain coach level (e.g. provisional), but I think I am eligible for higher level. What should I do?

Please make sure you have uploaded all certifications and according to what they are named. If so, we encourage you to submit your application first. You can then write in to us via https://www.sportsync.sg/app/Login/Contact to request for us to review your application.

[New/Renewal Application] Is my NROC membership ready yet?

Once your application is uploaded, the approval process of the NROC membership will take up to about 6 to 8 weeks. You may log in via SportSync to check on your application status during the period of processing and for queries that our officers may request from you.


If there are not queries from our officers and your membership has not been approved after 6 to 8 weeks, kindly reach out to us at sport_coaching@sport.gov.sg

You may log in via SportSync to view your e-Card. Please kindly note that there will be no physical logbook and membership card. 

[E-card] How do I access the e-card for my NROC membership?
  1. Login to SportSync (using SingPass).
  2. From the top left corner menu, click on ‘NROC membership’ to expand, followed by ‘View NROC membership’.
  3. Click on your NROC Membership (selected sport);
  4. Click on the orange e-card logo.
[Renewal Application] How do I renew my membership?

Criteria for renewal is outlined below. With the required certifications, please login to SportSync and navigate to “NROC Membership” to submit an online application. Please refer to our Renewing / Upgrading Your NROC Membership (sportsingapore.gov.sg) for more details on the renewal process.

Renewal criteria for NROC (Full members only)

·       Valid Standard First Aid (SFA) and AED Certificate (under an accredited training provider)

·       Valid Employment Pass (for non-Singaporean coaches)

·       Supporting documents to demonstrate fulfilment of CCE Education and Practice hours (Refer to Renewing / Upgrading Your NROC Membership)

·       S$60 renewal fee (payable online)

[Upgrade Application] How do I upgrade my membership?

As long as you have obtained all certifications required for full membership, please login and update your records at SportSync, then navigate to “NROC Membership” to submit an online application.

Full Member

·       Valid SFA certificate including CPR+AED Certificate

·       Basic Sports Science (BSS) course^ or Foundational Sport Science (FSS) (optional for NCAP Theory holders)

·       SG-Coach Theory Level 1 / NCAP Theory Level 1

·       SG-Coach Technical Level 1 course* OR SG-Coach Integrated Level 1 course* / NCAP Technical Level 1

Note: Please check HERE for information on courses offered by NSAs

[Coach Profile] What is the Find A Coach page?

This is a database for the public to search for all NROC coaches (link here), and it shows limited information about the profiles of coaches who maintain an active NROC membership. Please log in to SportSync regularly and make sure your profile is up to date.

[Coach Profile] Will my NROC membership profile be shown on SportSync to the public?

All active NROC and NREP registered coaches and exercise professionals are listed on the “Find a Coach” webpage.

If you were unable to find your record, it could be due to one of the following reasons: (1) you are not registered with NROC or NREP, (2) your first aid certificate or work pass/permit had expired, or (3) you had chosen not to publish your profile.

For coaches who do not wish to display their membership profile, please make sure you do this: From “My Profile”, under Personal Particulars, uncheck “Make profile visible on online public database”

[Coach Profile] How do I ensure my NROC membership profile is shown on ActiveSG Find A Coach page? / I’ve been trying to check my profile online, but I can’t find myself! How can I allow people to see my profile on the online website?

Please login to SportSync and ensure the following:

  1. You have an NROC membership that is active. You can see this under “My Profile”
  2. From “My Profile”, under Personal Particulars, you have checked “Make profile visible on online public database”

If any changes were made to the above, please allow between 24 to 48 hours for your profile to be published.

If you still do not see your profile online, please write in via this contact page with the following details:

  1. Full Name
  2. Sportsync ID
  3. Mobile/ Email
  4. Sport
[Continuing Coach Education] What are the CCE Requirements?

Here’s a quick overview:

NROC Level

Min. Coaching Practice Hours

Min. Coaching Education Hours



Attendance CCE Hours

Self-Guided CCE Hours

Level 1 (Coach)



Not more than 3

30 hours

(15 Practice + 15 Education)

Level 2 (Senior Coach)



Not more than 12

50 hours

(36 Practice + 24 Education)

Level 3 (Master Coach)



Not more than 18

100 hours

(70 Practice + 30 Education)

[Continuing Coach Education] How do I fulfil the CCE requirements?

After you complete any learning activity, please upload any screenshots of your course completion (e.g. e-certificate), or record and upload any reflection from your learning (self-guided), or online via SportSync (www.sportsync.sg) under your CCE section of your coach profile, so that we can award you the CCE hours accordingly.

For technical assistance related to SportSyncPlease write in via the contact page (select Techincal) with the following details:

1.     Full Name

2.     Sportsync ID

3.     Mobile/ Email

4.     Sport

5.     Screenshot of your issue

[Continuing Coach Education] If I update my CCE records on SportSync, do I still need to maintain my logbook?

Note: CoachSG has stopped issuing physical CCE Logbooks

Coaches are expected to update their CCE records directly in SportSync before renewing their membership. Please update CCE hours and Practice hours by going to your profile page and entering them accompanied with an endorsement from the respective coordinators where applicable, e.g., the training provider (for education), or the employer (for practice).

[Continuing Coach Education] What is Self-Guided Learning?

You can record CCE learning hours from self-guided learning activities such as watching or reading coaching-related materials, or even conversations with coaches related to coaching, as long as you record any reflection on what you’ve learnt. Each completed reflection activity earns you 1 CCE hour, and please remember a minimum of 12 hours’ worth of in-person or online CCE is still required.

For more information regarding self-guided learning such as reflection examples and templates, click here.

[Continuing Coach Education] I still have trouble fulfilling CCE learning requirements. Help!

Take a look at some of the other options below:

SkillsFuture Courses

Earn Up to 10 CCE hours per course for completion of any courses listed under the following ‘Areas of Training’ in the SkillsFuture Course Directory:

  1. Advertising, Sales and Marketing
  2. Business Management
  3. Community and Social Services
  4. Education and Training
  5. Language Skills
  6. Leadership & People Management
  7. Sports

All of the courses listed are eligible for SkillsFuture funding, and please choose courses best suited for your learning needs.

1. For queries on course details such as fees payable – please contact the respective training providers directly;

2. For matters related to SkillsFuture Credit and funding (e.g. eligibility, claim submission and reimbursement procedures) – contact SkillsFuture Singapore via their online feedback portal or call 6785 5785 (available during Mondays to Fridays, 8.30am to 5.30pm only).

Free Online Courses

There are many online resources available such as the following:

Alison.com Online Courses (CCE hours varies according to the course completed. Please check with us)

International Olympic Committee’s Athlete Learning Gateway (Completion of each IOC online course (with Certificate of Achievement as proof) earns you 1 CCE hour.)

[Continuing Coach Education] How do I record CCE learning hours?

After you complete any learning activity, please upload any screenshots of your course completion (e.g. e-certificate), or record and upload any reflection from your learning (self-guided), or online via SportSync (www.sportsync.sg) under your CCE section of your coach profile, so that we can award you the CCE hours accordingly.

For technical assistance related to SportSyncPlease write in via the contact page (select Techincal) with the following details:

1.     Full Name

2.     Sportsync ID

3.     Mobile/ Email

4.     Sport

5.     Screenshot of your issue

[Administration] I had a valid NROC membership, but I do not see my NROC membership on SportSync. What should I do?

Please write in via the contact page (select NROC Policy) with the following details:

1.     Full Name

2.     Sportsync ID

3.     Mobile/ Email

4.     Sport

[Other] Where can I find more information about NROC?
[Other] I still have questions?

Please write in via our contact page here (select NROC Policy) with your questions and contact details with the following details:  

  1. Full Name
  2. Sportsync ID
  3. Mobile/ Email
  4. Sport
What is Sport Excellence Carding (spexCarding)?

spexCarding is the entry point into the national sport development system. The key purpose of carding is to provide support and resources to help athletes realise their potential to represent Singapore and win medals at the Major Games (Olympic, Asian, Commonwealth, South East Asian and Para equivalents) and Major Championships (Asian, World and Para equivalents).

I am an athlete. How can I apply to be supported under the spexCarding programme?

All athletes must be nominated by their respective National Sports Associations (NSAs). The NSA will access and make application on your behalf if you have met the carding criteria.

[Access] I am still unable to sign in / other technical issues

Send your query or issue to support@talearnx.com 

Indicate in your email subject title: SportSG Learner – [P3] Did not receive password reset link

In your email, copy and answer the following below:

  1. Name of Coach:
  2. SportSync ID:
  3. Email Address / Contact Number:
  4. Membership: NROC / NREP (Delete where applicable)
  5. Sport:
  6. Issue encountered:
  7. Full screenshot of the error faced (if applicable):